Success Stories

Young Professional Loses 15 lbs.

Written by Physician's Plan | Feb 1, 2019 12:54:15 PM

Life seems to come in phases, some of which can be more difficult to navigate than others. Life after school, in between 25 and 30, can feel like limbo. “What am I going to do next?” “What life goal do I need to check off the list?” “Are my ducks in a row?” “SHOULD my ducks be in a row?” As a twenty-something, finding the answers to these questions can be exciting, but it can also be stressful. For me, stress = weight gain. While balancing work, friends, family, school, etc., personal health and fitness can be a struggle to keep up with. Enter the oh-so-relatable me:


It’s true. Maintaining proper hydration alone is a feat for this 20-something. With everything else I had going on in my life, I put my health and fitness goals on the back burner. The unwanted pounds began to add up quickly. So, about a year ago, after realizing I could no longer eat and drink whatever I wanted (bye 22-year-old metabolism!), I decided I was going to clean up my diet and get back into the gym.

At first, this change was great: I had more energy, I was losing weight, and I was feeling good about myself. Then, I plateaued. I was racking my brain trying to figure out why, although I had lost about 5 pounds, I couldn’t lose anymore. I was doing everything right. I was eating clean, doing yoga to reduce stress, spending Friday nights at home instead of at the bar, yet the weight still wouldn’t budge. After a few months of feeling helpless and frustrated because I was “doing everything right” with no results, I finally decided to take the plunge and consult Physician’s Plan (PPWLW).

I liked that Physician’s Plan offered physician-guided weight loss plans. No over the counter diet pills, pricey gimmicks, or trendy diets. I wanted a professional to help me understand why I wasn’t losing weight. I found the answers to my “why’s” through Physician’s Plan’s nutritional counselors. Summer in West Ashley helped me understand that while, yes, I was technically eating healthy, my diet consisted of over 60% carbohydrates per day! Yikes. I also had no idea how many calories I was consuming each day. News Flash: you don’t have to be eating pizza and cupcakes every day to be overindulging. With Summer and the rest of the staff’s guidance, I was able to learn how to properly measure my nutrients to create more balanced meals. I learned how and where to cut my caloric intake and up my protein for optimal weight loss—not something I would have stumbled upon on my own.

The PPWLW staff offered great nutritional tips, but more importantly, served as a light of positivity and support during my weight loss struggle. I was feeling low, embarrassed, and overall poorly about myself when I walked into Physician’s Plan that first day, and I can honestly say I left (that same day) feeling motivated and empowered to better myself.

Now, 15 pounds down, I am feeling more like myself again. I am armed with a new found healthy lifestyle and a customized nutrition plan that is easy to stick to. 2019 is my year, and it can be yours too: